Friday, June 26, 2015

Dog with back pain - Dog Chiropractor Boston, Cape Cod, South Shore Boston

 Simple, Gentle Stretches You Can Complete in Minutes a Day
There are three areas of your dog’s body for which stretching is especially beneficial – the hips, shoulders and back.
The following stretches, done slowly and gently, are well tolerated by most dogs. However, if you don’t feel confident in your ability to do the stretches, consider asking your vet or a small animal chiropractor demonstrate the stretches for you so you can do them at home.
Instructions for most of these stretches have your dog standing, but you can also do them with your dog lying on her side, or in the case of the chest stretch, on her back. The model for the standing stretches, our dog Rosco, was an adult rescue who has never rolled onto his back. Some dogs are very uncomfortable in this position, so if yours is, don’t force the issue. To demonstrate the lying-on-back chest stretch, we used our dog Ada, who we’ve taught from puppyhood to ‘play’ on her back.
Needless to say, if your pet shows any sign of pain during stretching, discontinue the movement and have her seen by your vet as soon as possible.
  • Stretching the hip flexors. The hip flexors are muscles that enable your dog to move his legs and hips while walking, trotting or running. To stretch the hip flexors, ask your dog to stand, and grasp a back leg above the knee. Gently and slowly move the leg back straight out behind your dog’s body. When you reach a point of resistance, where further extension will require applying pressure, hold the leg in position for 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat this stretch 2 or 3 times with each back leg.
Please contact Dr Bruce with questions at 781-337-1180 or email at

Leg and back pain in a dog - chiropractor for dogs south shore boston, cape cod, nantucket, marthas vineyard, boston

Many times a pacing gait will indicate a movement problem in the spine or the extremities. Chiropractic for dogs may be indicated. Please call Dr Bruce at 781-801-2831 or email at

Thursday, June 11, 2015

horse will not take a lead - chiropractor of horses north shore boston-south shore boston-Bruce Indek DC AVCA

back pain in horses - horse chiropractor north shore boston - south shore boston - cape cod- nantucket

All of these muscles are attached to spinal bones and the pelvis so if your horse has a back issue then the muscles will pull on spinal bones in other areas and potentially cause issues elsewhere.
horse back muscles

Pain in hip - IT band syndrome athletic injury - Chiropractor for hip pain south shore boston weymouth

Pain in the side of your leg and or hip/knee common problem is ITBand syndrome. Many athletes esp runners have this issue and research has pointed to Gluteal muscle [ butt ] weakness in abduction as well as sacroiliac subluxation. Any questions call Dr Bruce

Monday, June 8, 2015

Disc problems in dogs - chiropractor for dogs south of boston, cape cod, nantucket and Boston

Image result for picture of spinal disc in a dogBack problems and disc problems in dogs are not synonymous.
Many times dogs owners are told their dog has a disc problem when there is low back pain. Disc problems are not nearly as common as a subluxation complex [ bones of the spine that are stuck in motion thus irritating nerves to muscles and organs]. Most vets are not skilled in the diagnosis of non disc but rather biomechanical issues of the spine thus your dog may be labeled w a disc issue when in fact it is not. The picture you of disc protrusion is not as common as a subluxation complex which is a movement problem.
Please contact Dr Bruce with questions at 781-337-1180 or email at

agility dogs injuries - chiropractor south shore boston, cape cod, nantucket, boston

Dr Bruce will be adjusting and using cold laser for dogs and owners at the Cape Cod Kennel Club Agility Trial on Friday thru Sunday 6/12 -6/14. Need an appointment sooner call Dr Bruce at 781-801-2831 or email at