Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Front Leg Lameness in dog - Chiropractor for Dogs south shore mass and greater boston

Front leg lameness is a common problem facing many owners. It is always best to have your vet evaluate your dog first since it can be caused by problems such as Lyme and even Hypothyroid.  If your vet cannot find any specific reason why your dog is lame then it will be of benefit to consult a animal chiropractor.

The nerves from the cervical [neck] supply power to the muscles of the front legs. Dogs carry 60 percent of their body weight on their front legs which will make the problem worse. To add to the picture your dog will start to lean on the front leg more causing a subluxation [joint stuck in motion] in the shoulder.

The animal chiropractor will evaluate your dog and if need will adjust the cervical spine to free up the nerves and check the shoulder. Along with this specific exercises should be given as well.

Please call Dr Bruce at 781-337-1180 or email at