Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sciatica and back pain. Chiropractor for sciatica south shore boston weymouth

Sciatica is literally pain shooting down the leg from the lumbar [low back]. Cause can often be subluxations, arthritis, disc problems. These causes are all taken care of by a chiropractor. Many people ask if I can help their sciatica and I often say YES this is like asking a dentist if he fixes cavities.

Using Cold laser therapy, Chiropractic Adjustments and Exercise you can rid yourself of Sciatica. I offer state of the art therapy and in conjunction with my 30 yrs of experience you are well cared for.

Please call Dr Bruce at 781-337-1180 or email at indekchiropractic@gmail.com
I am located in Columbian Sq Weymouth.