Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Dogs with back pain, lame dogs - dog chiropractor boston, south shore boston

Dogs can have back pain like humans but they are usually very stoic. Signs may be refusal to jump, shorter walks, a roached back [the back is rounded], lameness, head bobbing, and sensitive on petting and grooming.
Most owner will take their dog to the Vet who will rule out other illnesses and if it is the spine they will often jump to disc issues which is really not the most common. As a Animal Chiropractic Instructor, I can tell you this is what Vets tell us when they start the course. The most common cause is Vertebral Subluxation Complex VSC. Vets are not trained to diagnose VSC and thus cannot correct it. Only a certified Animal Chiropractor can help your dog. Certified is important so be sure you check out the American Vet Chiropractic Assoc or the International Vet Chiropractic Assoc to be sure the doctor is certified. Certification is a 215 hour course with a board exam so please ask.
VSC is usually corrected in a few visits and I actually do house calls only so your dog is at the maximum comfort level. Many owners elect to be proactive and have regular chiropractic checkups for their dog to prevent problems, usually once every 4 to 6 weeks.
Contact Dr Bruce at 781-337-1180 or email at