Wednesday, July 19, 2017

dog and horse animal chiropractor - animal chiropractic south shore boston- boston- cape cod- north shore boston

In a nutshell if you purchase a cold laser it is important to know the Power in mW. If it is low like in the 5mW range you need to treat the area for a very long time compared to the 500mW type. Insufficient treatment will occur in the low mW types and you are wasting your money and time. You also need to be aware of the anatomy to maximize your time in use. Your Wavelength is also important. So you can see it is not as simple as point and shoot.

Class 1 & 2 lasers are can be purchased for use at home over-the-counter for use on humans and they have a maximum power of 5mW continuous. Several manufacturers make higher power lasers that qualify as a class 1 or 2 by pulsing the laser. Without a recommendation for a health care provider like the ones listed above, a pulsing laser is the best option. Just don't waste your time buying anything that looks like a laser pointer.
Class 3 lasers are designed for practitioners but can be purchased for use on humans at home with the recommendation of a health care provider. They can be purchased without any restrictions for use on pets and horses. Class 3 lasers must be less than 500mW per laser diode continuous output. Several manufacturers have higher power units that use multiple diodes that have TOTAL power level in the class 4 range but they are safe enough to qualify as a class 3b device because they have less chance of eye damage and no chance of tissue heating damage. Many laser manufacturers have a doctor on staff who can write a recommendation letter to meet the requirements so we can sell you a laser.