Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Head tossing on your horse horse chiropractor north shore boston

Horses are rear driven, the center of gravity in your horse is behind the shoulder. In order for a horse to move forward he must be able to flex the pelvis and bring his hind legs under him thus moving the center of gravity rearward.  If your horse has subluxations in the pelvis or lumbar ( low back) then there will be restrictions to flexion in the hind end.

To accomplish the transfer of weight ( center of gravity ) to the hind end your horse will have to toss the head up and back to move the center of gravity instead of flexing the pelvis. Having an equine chiropractor evaluate your horse and adjust these subluxations will help eliminat head tossing.
Exercises specific to your horse will also help.

Contact Dr Bruce Indek at or 781-337-1180 with any questions.