Thursday, February 27, 2014

Chiropractor Weymouth ma

Dr Indek has been in practice since 1982, he is certified in Sports Injuries as well as treats families. Most major insurance is accepted. Dr Indek is unique in that he offers a very personal one on one care program and you are not treated like a number.

Dr Indek has many allied health contacts so when needed a referral is always available.

Please call him at 781-337-1180 or email at

neck problem pain in dogs - Chiropractor for dogs south shore boston- cape cod - boston

Once your Vet has cleared your dog of any illness, it is always a good idea to have a Certified Animal Chiropractor by the American Vet Chiropractic Association evaluate your dog. Chiropractic Adjustments along with exercise and cold laser can often solve the problem.

The cause can be varied but the most common is subluxation of the spine with possible shoulder issues. Sometimes a rear leg and or back problem can cause neck pain as well due to compensation. These are all things that the animal chiropractor is skilled in.

contact Dr Bruce at 781-337-1180 or email at

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

rotator cuff muscle pain and strain - Chiropractor for rotator cuff weymouth mass and south shore

There are 4 muscles that make up the rotator cuff of the shoulder... Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Major and Teres Minor. These muscles rotate and lift the shoulder. Putting on a shirt or bra, lifting a child, or just normal activity will hurt. The power supply nerves for these muscles comes from the neck and upper back. Typically people get injections to the shoulder but this does not solve the cause of the problem which can be coming from the neck, upper back, and shoulder joint. The cause is often a movement problem which the injection does not address.
Chiropractic adjustments to the neck and upper back as well as the shoulder along with cold laser and some exercises work wonders.

Shoulder problems in Dogs- Chiropractor for dogs south shore boston, cape cod, boston

These muscles control the shoulder joint. Notice how some of the shoulder muscles tie into the neck and upper back. Chiropractic adjustments, myofascial release and cold laser can dramatically improve the lameness. Often the neck has subluxations, the shoulder is subluxated in a forward [cranial ] position and the upper back has subluxations too.
There is no clavicle or collar bone in a dog so the shoulder is always in motion in a myriad of positions.
Contact Dr Bruce at 781-337-1180 or email at

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

dog low back pain - chiropractor for dogs south of boston, boston and cape cod.

The Psoas Muscle 'red highlight' is often involved when your dog experiences low back pain. In performance dogs this muscle if tight will inhibit rear leg extension and lumbar subluxation. Often agility dogs will limit jumping when the Psoas is involved. Cold Laser, Massage, and Chiropractic will often correct this problem and a follow up with exercises will strengthen it as well.

back pain and disc problems chiropractor weymouth mass south shore boston

Back pain can be caused by muscle, spinal joint movement and or disc problems. All 3 of these can usually be helped by a chiropractor.
The most common muscle involved is the Psoas Muscle.

This muscle goes from the front of the spine into the hip and is thus a hip flexor muscle as well as a low back support muscle. Chiropractic adjustments along with cold laser with help fix low back pain.
Please call Dr Bruce at 781-337-1180 or email at

Monday, February 24, 2014

Agility dogs and Chiropractic Cape Cod South shore boston

Dr Bruce will be adjusting dogs and owners at the following Agility Trials in March:

March 8 and 9th at Sure Fire for USDAA Trial

March 27 thru March 30th at AKC National Agility Championships in Harrisburg PA

Please pass on this information. As always there is no sign up appt. sheet. I will be taking appts on a first come first serve basis.
See you at the events.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Front leg lameness- chiropractor for dog boston,south shore boston,cape cod, north shore boston

A dog may have front leg lameness due to a hind end problem, shoulder problem, neck problem, elbow and even toe issues.
When your dog is evaluated I will look at gait pattern, collar and all the above issues. Your vet will eval for dysplasia, thyroid and disc problems most commonly. As an animal chiropractor the evaluation has an emphasis on movement problems that your vet will not address. As an instructor at one of the animal chiropractic colleges, i can tell that this movement analysis does not enter into the vets thought process.
The treatment involves treating the movement problem and giving you the owner exercises to do w your dog.
Please email Dr Bruce at
Or call me at 781-337-1180

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

back pain dogs - chiropractor for dogs boston mass

 A new location I will be holding Canine Chiropractic Clinics.
Check them out.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

back pain and neck pain in dogs - chiropractor for dogs south shore boston, cape cod and boston - certified animal chiropractor american vet chiropractic association

If your dog is having back problems and or neck problems your vet has probably put them on meds for pain and muscle relaxation and even possibly nerve pain meds. All of this is well and good but none of it address the cause of your dogs problem. Pain is not a cause but rather a symptom of the most common problem in dogs call Spinal Subluxation Complex.

Spinal Subluxation Complex or VSC is very common but not diagnosed by your vet.  VSC involves spinal joint movement problems as well as nerve irritation which can be complicated by arthritis and or disc problems.

Chiropractic care can fix these subluxations and relieve your dog of pain and suffering. My visits are all house calls so your dog is most comfortable. I use Cold laser along with exercise therapy as well.

Please contact Dr Bruce at 781-337-1180 or email at and my website is

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Dog with back pain, lameness- dog chiropractor south shore boston,boston cape cod

Dogs experience pain in different ways. Sometimes they pant, pace and or just become lethargic.
Dogs will often continue with normal activity despite pain since this is a survival mode. It is always a good idea to have your Vet check your dog to rule out disease and organ involvement.

If the cause is not a Vet issue then Chiropractic can be the answer. Back pain will be treated w pain meds by your vet, but the animal chiropractor needs to evaluate your dogs spine and nervous system along with all 4 limbs to find the problem. Your Vet is not skilled in finding spinal subluxations that affect the nervous system, and I can say this with confidence since I am an instructor at an Animal Chiropractic College.

When a spinal subluxation exists it can pinch nerves and thus cause pain and lameness. Chiropractic adjustments, exercises and cold laser will often correct the problem.

I make home visits exclusively so that your dog is most comfortable.

Please contact Dr Bruce at 781-337-1180, email at and my website has video demo as well