Friday, October 22, 2010

Horse Chiropractor - Colic and Ulcer Symptoms - New England

Many horses suffer from subclinical Gastric Ulcer like symptoms as well as colic. Often times the Vet does not find any specific Ulcer or Colic but your horse is behaving like the entity exists. Horses can exhibit stress symptoms that are sub clinical {not the actual disease} and mimic the ulcer or colic. A Technique in Animal Chiropactic called SOT can be very successful in treating these animals. SOT uses acupressure like points as well as standard chiropractic to alter organ function through the nervous system.

Every organ works based on its neurological input from the brain and spinal cord. All of this input is dependent on the incoming nerve impulses from sensory organs and muscles. These sensory inputs synapse {hook up} with nerves within the spinal cord that regulate organ function through a part of the nervous system called the Autonomic Nervous System. When the chiropractor uses SOT the stimulus to the autonomics is altered when the muslces and spinal joints are worked on. The organs have an inborn mechanism to reset themselves and work normally if all the nerve input is correct. SOT helps the body correct its nerve impulses and thus normalize the system and thus Colic Like symptoms as well as Ulcer Like symptoms can be healed.

If your horse actually has colic or an ulcer they need a Vet, after the Vet care they need an Equine Chiropractor.