Friday, August 3, 2012

Infections in dogs and horses - Chiropractor for dogs and horses in mass

Ok so this is a different way of looking at your health and that of your animals. We all have seen the reoccurance of colds and other infections despite our good intentions.  The body needs to be acidic in order to aid in immune function. When the body is less acidic the immune system is weakened.

Nerves have the ability to keep the body acidic via firing off in a normal manner and releasing ions that will aid in this acidity. If nerves do not fire correctly such as when the spine is subluxated [ spinal bones that are stuck in movement and irritating nerves thus changing the firing rate of nerves], the acidity will decrease in the body and thus weaken the immune system. Obviously a weak immune system will allow for infection.

Keeping the spine un-subluxated by chiropractic adjustments will strengthen the immune system. This is a concept that needs to be kept in mind and is just another reason why wellness chiropractic care [care that occurs when there are no symptoms or injury] is so important.