Tuesday, September 3, 2013

neck problems with dogs as well as front leg lameness - chiropractor for dogs south shore of boston and boston mass

Your dog may have neck pain which can cause front leg lameness. The nerves from the neck control all the front leg muscles and joints, so a subluxation within the neck can cause nerve pinching and thus loss of muscle power in the front legs. Your dog may even have a locked shoulder which in turn can cause neck pain.

Subluxation in the neck and or shoulder can be caused by jumping off a high object or even from an ill fitting harness or collar.

Animal Chiropractors are specialized in diagnosing subluxations, your vet is not. Typically your vet will screen for other health ailments and when ruled out will prescribe anti inflam meds, and pain killers. These meds will not fix the mechanical subluxation complex but rather just cover up the symptoms.

As an Animal Chiropractor I will come to your house and evaluate your dog for subluxation and give them an adjustment, exercises and even cold laser if needed to help restore normal nerve function.
I travel throughout New England. Please contact Dr Bruce at indekchiropractic@gmail.com or phone at 781-337-1180.