Saturday, March 29, 2014

shoulder pain in dogs - agility dogs -chiropractor for dogs south shore boston and cape cod

I have been adjusting dogs this past weekend at the AKC National Agility Show in Harrisbury PA and have noticed a very common problem that occurs in many agility and non-agility dogs, and that problem is within the scapula of the shoulder.

The scapula referred to the wing by many is plagued with muscle tightness which can be caused by abnormal gait pattern and subluxation of the cervical [neck] and upper thoracic [upper back]. Jumping off a bed, out of a car and doing jumps like in agility can cause this problem.

The fix is to have an animal chiropractor evaluate the region and do some adjustments, cold laser, and give the owner some home remedies in the form of exercises to correct the problem.

Contact Dr Bruce at or call 781-337-1180