Disc problems typically occur in the neck or low back. In the low back the most common area is the location of the spine where the ribs end and the lumbar spine begins. Disc problems in the neck will cause your dog not to eat or drink easily without pain and weakness on the front legs. Disc problems in the low back can cause rear leg lameness, back pain, roached back (rounded) as well as loss of bladder and bowel control.
Treatment of crate rest and meds only is not very effective. You need to have your dog receive chiropractic adjustments above and below the disc problem, acupuncture and rehab. Over the past 35 years I have helped many dogs regain their health and leg function. Please call Dr Bruce Indek at 781-337-1180 or email at indekchiropractic@gmail.com
to schedule an appointment. ALL APPOINTMENTS ARE DONE AT YOUR HOME.