Wednesday, June 19, 2013

chiropractor for dogs, horses and people south shore boston/ chiropractor for pain in back for dogs and peopleDr

Dr Indek has been using Cold Laser Therapy with his animal and people patients and getting amazing results.

This therapy is for Pain, Injured Tissue such as ligaments, tendon, muscle, cart., joints, arthritis , disc problems.

It has no side effects and is totally safe, not to mention has FDA approval.

A specific frequency laser light with specific wavelengths of light are focused on the tissue ie. shoulder, knee, spine, for a period of 5 to 10 min over a course of 6 to 10 visits.  When stress to tissues occur such as injury or pain the Mitochondria in the cell of those tissues are damaged which inhibit the cell from healing and functioning normally. Mitochondria produce the fuel that all cells use to do their job be it a nerve cell, heart cell , muscle cell ........

The effects are as follows:
At the Cell Level : Mitochondria repair and increased fuel production for a cell.
At the Organ Level : Normal organ function returns since its cells have repaired
Symptom Level: Symptoms decrease and stop
Thus healing occurs not just symptom relief.

Please contact Dr Indek at my website is