Tuesday, June 25, 2013

dogs with hip and muscle pain - chiropractor for dog with hip pain south shore boston and cape cod.

Hip pain can be the result to hip dysplasia, lyme, arthritis and subluxation. It is always a good idea to have your vet test your dog for lyme if they are lame or have difficulty getting up.
If the lyme test is negative and there are no other disease processes causing the pain then an animal chiropractor is your next step.

Always check to be sure the animal chiropractor is certified by the American Vet Chiropractic Assoc or the International Assoc. There are some Vets and Chiros that have taken a weekend course vs the 215 hour course, this weekend course is insufficient to take care of your dog and can actually hurt them for obvious reasons [ insuff. training].

The animal chiropractor who has taken the 215 course work is trained to identify if your dog needs chiropractic or vet care. The entire dog will be evaluated and if the problem is caused by a subluxation of the spine and or extremities then a course of adjustments will be given along with rehab exercises and possibly cold laser treatment.

I have been treating animals for over 8 years and teach at the Options for Animals Chiropractic College in Wellsville KS .  All of my visits are house calls as well, price range from 50 to 95. Please contact me at 781-337-1180 or email at indekchiropractic@gmail.com and my website is indekchiropractic.com

Dr Bruce