Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Dogs with difficulty walking - dog chiropractor cape cod,south of boston boston nantucket

As your dog ages they will have difficulty keeping their balance especially on hard wood floors. Often times the hips could be the issue but many times it can be the low back, hocks and or pelvis.
Typically Meds are given for possible pain but the larger issue is faulty biomechanics ( movements within the joints).

Most Vets are not trained in biomechanics of the spine and pelvis, as i have seen when i teach at the animal chiropractic college. Having a certified (AVCA) chiropractor eval ur dog is essential.

Many times chiropractic adjustments, cold laser, proprioceptive exer., and using yoga mats around the house will greatly help. It is also important to keep the claws trimed since this will also alter balance.

Please call Dr Bruce w questions or to schedule a visit at 781-337-1180 or email at